var lan=$("html").attr("lang"),userAgent=navigator.userAgent,ieVer="Microsoft Internet Explorer"==navigator.appName&&window.parseInt(navigator.appVersion.split(";")[1].replace(/[ ]/g,"").replace("MSIE","")),isIE=!!window.ActiveXObject||"ActiveXObject"in window,isIE11=-1')};if(ieVer&&9>=ieVer){var a="zh-cn"==lan?'



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';$("#app").html(a+'')}}); fontSize();$(window).resize(function(){fontSize()});function fontSize(){var size;var a=window.innerWidth;if(a<=1800&&a>800){size=Math.round(a/18)}else if(a<=800){size=Math.round(a/7.5);if(size>65){size=65}}else{size=100}$('html').css({'font-size':size+'px'});if(zoom==1.25){$('html').addClass('zoom125')}else if(zoom==1.5){$('html').addClass('zoom150')}} //修复ie10不支持map function Map() { this.keys = new Array(); = new Object(); this.set = function(key, value) { if ([key] == null) { if (this.keys.indexOf(key) == -1) { this.keys.push(key); } }[key] = value; } this.get = function(key) { return[key]; } } // new Map() var map = new Map();